I realized that a different (and perhaps difficult, at least for me) date idea is to do something that your spouse enjoys even if it isn't in your comfort zone. My husband and I had a mini-getaway to Southern Utah for our anniversary and he wanted to go mountain biking with me while we were there. I haven't ridden a mountain bike in probably 14 years, but my husband enjoys it. I remember that I used to like riding along dirt trails and going up and down hills, but many years ago I got into road biking and never went back. In fact, I haven't even ridden my road bike since having children - only my beach cruiser with a bike trailer attached. Needless to say, I am a bit rusty on the bike. We hit the Bear Claw Poppy Trail with in the Green Valley Loop in St. George. It was beautiful and HOT. My husband was pretty excited to ride this trail again and to show me the beauty of this easy (with difficult sections) trail. At first, I really didn't think it was fun - I had a hard time finding the "right" gear and kept switching gears. My husband gave me suggestions so it wouldn't be so hard and I would quit stopping and getting off the bike. I felt so wobbly and so uncoordinated and was only having about 40% fun.
Finally, I got in front of him and that seemed to help because then I didn't feel the need to "keep up with his pace." Why do husband's only have one speed, FAST?! I enjoyed the trail much better; although at that point, it was pretty level which also helped.
Because of the patience of my husband - and bit of my willingness to keep going - I started staying on my bike during the longer, more technical downhills (uphill was still tough and I walked those, let's not be crazy) and actually having fun! The moral of the story for a French Kiss Friday is to try something that your spouse enjoys - biking, wood working, reading, coding, watching sports, sky diving, whatever it is your spouse will really appreciate the effort and you may find that you want to continue going with him! Good luck!
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